My thoughts on Captain Marvel

I recently watched Captain Marvel which is the 21st movie in the Marvel cinematic universe(I think). I saw this movie last week and I liked I thought it was a lot of fun. It had all the usual MCU elements a lot of jokes and a light hearted tone. This film can be watched without having seen any of the other marvel movie but if you have watched them all you’ll notice a lot of connections to other movies. One of things I really enjoyed was getting to see a young, less guarded, more vulnerable Nick Fury. The main character Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel(although they never call her that in the movie) I found her very likable I think I found her that way because of her use of humor. But other than that she doesn’t really show a lot of vulnerability but I think that’s by design because the plot of the movie is Carol trying to find out about her past. What we do know about her character in this is that she is very strong, confident in her, and funny and I do hope that as we keep seeing Captain Marvel in other movies we’ll learn more and more about her character. One thing I did not like about this is the way Nick Fury lost his, I just thought it was a silly way for that to happen. All in all I enjoyed this movie, I had a good time and I’m looking forward to seeing Captain Marvel interact with the rest of the Avengers in the next Avengers movie. My pick for the villains for Captain Marvel 2 are Mystique and Rogue I think they could adapt the Rouge steals Carol’s powers storyline from the comics in a very satisfying way and a lot of people forget the Mystique was started out as a Ms. Marvel villain(before she was Captain Marvel she was Ms. Marvel ). So that’s what I thought about Captain Marvel.


Revisiting X-men

Growing up in the early 1990s I religiously watched and re-watched X-Men the animated series. This cartoon was my first step into the superhero nerdery that would continue to this day. Anyway I re-watched this series recently and daaaaaaammmmnnn I still love this show. It was true to the characters and the spirt of the comics. It kept a serious tone which I think was an asset and had very dramatic dialogue which I love(I’ll randomly quote Storm and Magneto now). It adapted classic X-Men storylines like Days of Future Past and the Dark Phoenix and had a solid legit ending. I just have a lot of love for this series and it was a huge part of my childhood, even at my sisters wedding she had the DJ play the X-Men theme song, that awesome theme song. Anyway I loved this show and will talk about all the time.

My Ghost Story Part 3

Ok I know its been a very long time since I posted a ghost story but it actually kinda fits because this incident happened years after the events of the last part. So when I was in the 6th grade I was watching tv in my parents room which was on the top floor of the house and a staircase led directly to the bedroom door. Anyway I was watching I love Lucy(I remember because it was the pizza making episode) and all of sudden I hear footsteps very soft light steps but I could still hear it. I honestly thought that someone had stopped by for a visit I figured they’ll come up say hi and then go back down stairs. But anyway the steps get closer and closer to me and then finally it gets to the last step and then I see the bed room door knob start jiggling and then it starts turning and then the door opens slightly and then lets go and the knob stops turning. The door was open enough that I could see the staircase and the and I could clearly see that there was no one there or anyone walking down the stairs. So I was completely freaked out and couldn’t stop wondering if there was someone still in that room with me or was in that house.

a quick update

Its been a while since I’ve been on here so I wanted to write what’s been going on in my life. After months and months of looking of looking for a job I finally got one(yay). So I’ve mostly just been busy working and trying to save money (its actually pretty hard). My sister came for a visit from out of town so that was nice. I know my life may sound boring but I’ll take boring or tragic or dramatic any day haha. As for this blog I’m hoping to keep talking about my nerdy fandoms and talk about things I like and I’m thinking about continuing talk about my creepy ghost experiences but we’ll see. So until next time see ya later.

Happy New Year!!!

Its the new year it is now 2019!! And did I celebrate the new year (drum rolls) I had a cold! I had a cold and completely slept through the end of 2018 and the start of 2019. So I spent the first few days of the new year sick in bed and watched an obscene amount of Marvel movies. So now that I’m feeling better I came on here and rambled about it. So it is a new year so here is to the start of (hopefully) a great year.

What I thought of Aquaman

I recently saw the movie Aquaman actually I saw it twice. That’s probably a hint of what I thought of it. I thought it was a lot of fun, I honestly did. So visually beautiful and I really like the VFX work. I really liked Jason Momoa as Aquaman, I liked a lot about it. But the pacing is very fast, the movie moves at like 100 mph and the dialogue particularly in the first 10 minutes was pretty bad but those actors sold as best they could. Some people have said that some parts of the movie moved to slow as well, I didn’t feel that way the few slow moments we had in the movie I cherished and enjoyed. All in all it was a gorgeous, fast paced popcorn movie which I thoroughly enjoyed twice. I’m glad it did well at the box office too, I remember Jason Momoa from Stargate Atlantis way back before he was on Game of Thrones so I’m glad it worked out for him.

All things intended

I’ve been away from this blog for so long I’m not sure what to title this one. I’m not even sure what the subject should be. I guess one thing I wanted to say to anyone who happens by this post is what I want this blog to be about. I’m of course going to be talking about my life and things going on in that. I’m also going to be talking about comics since I’m an extremely nerdy comic fan and I hope to talk about various movies I’ve seen. Since I already have a couple of ghost stories up here I’ll probably mention those too. Whatever I write about I hope to gain a feeling of expression from writing this blog.

So here’s to hoping.

Spoiler Review: Black Lightning S2 E1

Last night the second season of Black Lightning began and I honestly thought it was great. It continued a lot of threads from last season and began some new ones as well. The quality of the show is the same as last season. It wonderfully wove real world topics and issues into this world which is something it has always done. I thought this episode had some great and brutal fight scenes, I mean someone literally took a high heel to the neck and someone was literally harpooned. Having Henderson reveal that he knows that Jefferson is Black Lightning was a nice twist and I can’t wait to see that story play out this season. Over all I thought it was a great start to a hopefully great season.

Spoiler Review: The Flash S5, E1

So last night was the new season of The Flash started and I really liked this episode. I thought the introduction of Nora Allen brought a new energy to this show and interesting to see Barry Allen interact with her and be almost stand offish with her. It did seemed clear that he was didn’t want to break the timeline again but when he told Iris that he felt like he missed her growing up and all the firsts involved with her only to learn that in her time that he disappeared and missed her growing up, I really enjoyed that whole little arc. Full disclosure I am a big fan of when children go back in time and meet there young parents I love that whole thing, full Sailor Moon R lol.(Its amazing if you get that reference). So all in all I thought this was a very good start to the new season and I hope we get to explore the event that caused the flash to disappear in the future.

Losing my Dog

One week ago I lost one of my best friends and a beloved member of the family my dog Genroh. He was 15 years ago and was with me through some of the most dramatic and tumultuous periods of my life. In the end he could not move, eat, or drink when he finally passed I took comfort in the fact that he was not in pain anymore. Some people might scoff at me for being so sad about the death of my dog and I would say FUCK OFF!! this dog was had so much personality  and was clever, smart, protective and incredibly sweet. All the words I’m using to describe him do not do him justice, I don’t want to go super deep into my emotions because I don’t want to be over come by them. I my point of this post is that I’m very sad about this and I feel the need to write about it. And now that I have, my last words on this is that I’m not ok, but I will be.